Green hair Algae


Green Hair Algae has taken over my rocks and has begun destroying my gsp. I bought a bottle of purple up hoping the little corraline I have will begin to overgrow the hair algae, but the algae growth is pretty fast. Just wondering what other methods are good to control this algae. Thanks


How old is your tank?
What type of water are you using?
How old are your lights?
Have you upgraded your lights lately?
Do you know what your phosphate reading is?


Active Member
I am still working my green algae problem.
First find the cause: high phosphates, natural sun light or lights.
Then to get rid of it try: unrchin, lawnmover blenny or add more to your cleaning crew.
Hope this helps.


The tank is about a year old. 50 gallon. It doesnt get much natural sunlight. I recently bought this tank used so Im not sure how old the lights are. My clean up crew of about 10 hermits, 4 nassarius, and 4 turbo snails hasnt touched the hair algae since its growth. My phosphate is around .025. What fish/inverts will snack on this stuff?


Originally Posted by nicodemus
The tank is about a year old. 50 gallon. It doesnt get much natural sunlight. I recently bought this tank used so Im not sure how old the lights are. My clean up crew of about 10 hermits, 4 nassarius, and 4 turbo snails hasnt touched the hair algae since its growth. My phosphate is around .025. What fish/inverts will snack on this stuff?
If your lights are more than a year old then they will need to be replaced. That can really cause a bad algae outbreak.
Also, what type of water are you using?


You need about 1 snail per gal. Also you need to use RO/DI water for top ups and water changes. do a 10 or 15% water change every week untill you get things under control. Lights should be changed at least every 12 months. Feed every other day.


I use RO water for my water changes. My plan right now is to get a lawnmower blenny and do frequent water changes.


Ya, I was going to buy 10 for 10 off this site along with lawnmower blenny, 2 jawfish, and a serpent star. Would that be too much to add at once? And anyone who has ordered off this site, whats the best way to make sure I recieve my shipment?