green hair algae


about 4 months ago, i had a really bad outbreak of green hair algae. I got a clean up crew, 5 emerald crabs, and i've been really good about thr 10% water change per week. I have a 46 gal bowfront and all of my water levels have been picture perfect. I could use any and all help you guys can give me.


Active Member
Do you use RO or tap water? Does your water source have phosphates or silicates? What is your nitrate level?


Active Member
There is your problem. 99% of the time tap water holds phosphates and silicates. These things feed hair algae, continuing it to live.
Either switch to RO water, begin a refugium, or start running RowaPhos in your filter. RowaPhos is similiar to carbon, but it eats phosphates and silicates very well. A refugium will do the same thing.


no ideas , but i like his, got the same problem, i started out with tap and switched to RO, after a huge outbreak of hair alge! I can control the growth with feeding and lighting, but can not get rid of it!


Active Member
Phosphate is kinda hard to deal with. You can get a PO4 remover to help, I have one. They are nicely built and do their job, but the problem is normally the algae can grab it outta the water colomn before the reactor can.
Some other comon problems with algae is out of spectrum lighting or low flow. I have a hair algae problem and just found out it was the "Miracle Mud" in my sump causing and am now owrking to fix it. Go up and type hair algae in the search bar to find some more ideas =).
Good Luck!