What's the best way to treat against green hair algae and get rid of it if you continously get it? I've got my lighting down to about 8 hours a day now. Also, I use RO water from my LFS. :help:
What are your phospahte levels??? Some people are using sea hares to get rid of most algea, but they eat it FAST, so you need to find someone to give it to/ sell it to once it eats all the algea.
I have 3 turbo snails that mowed it down almost overnight, depending on what size tank you have tangs will also go at it. I also think hermits eat it but Im not 100% on that.
I don't understand how people have such algae problems. I don't have great lighting (just two powerglows) and about 6 snails in the 30 and I can't even get it to grow.