Green Hair Algae


New Member
Our green hair algae is coming back gang busters. :p
I bought some Marine S.A.T. from the LFS. They said it should help. After the first dose the algae has only seemed to get worse. Does anyone know about this stuff? Have you had success with it? Any other (better) products out there?


I may have missed this in your earlier posts - so forgive me for asking again if you have already gave this info.
What are your nitrite and nitrate levels?
Personally I would not recommend using some type of additive to remove an algea problem, the best course of action is to figure out what is causing the algea and cure that source, but adding the additives to remove the algea, you are merely removing the algea, not the cause of the algea. I have never heard of the particular product you are using.
A lot of algea problems are caused by an imbalance in your water chemistry (ie high nitrites and nitrates) the algea is using nitrate as its food source, as long as the nitrates are at a high level, the algea will continue to grow, until it exhausts its food source.
Another common cause of algea is your lighting. How long has it been since you changed your bulbs?


Active Member
And once your micro algea uses its food will die off, decompose thus creating its new food source...
Water quality, usually phosphates and nitrates...use ro/di water.
Lighting...check you lighting, replace if they are older...aging bulbs shift into the red end of the spectrum....
Cleanup crew...get one if you dont have one...they will keep the micro algea at bay proving your water quality is good.
One thing with micro algeas...we never not have them in our tanks...we only strive to control them as best we slip with the phosphate or the nitrate and they take quick advantage of that.


New Member
THanks! My NO2 is very low >.03 do you think that my Nitrates could be very high? I don't have a test for that.
I can get one today when I go out. The S.A.T. is described on the bottle as "Not a chemical. 100% live bacterial formula...non-pathogenic, natural bacteria that out-compete hair and string algae for nutrients."


New Member
I forgot to tell you about my clean up crew. I have 20 hermits, 6 peppermint, 1 camelback, and 1 BCShrimp. I have a starfish and a flame scallop too. Today at the LFS I'm going to get some more hermits and some turbo snails if they have them.


Well-Known Member
Algaes consume ammonia, nitrate, and phosphates. Those plus light and carbon dioxide will produce plant life. Removing any of those will prevent plant life. For instance, If the tank was totally dark all plant life would die off. But that is not a solution.
In tanks the primary source of ammonia and nitrate are the nitrogen cycle and phosphates are added through water and food. The best way to prevent "ugly" plant life is to provide and encourage desirable plant life. Once that is done the desirable plant life not only straves out the "ugly" plant life but completes the nitrogen cycle, filters out all types of bad stuff, balances out and stabilizes the system. Sure you still have to watch over feeding and lighting, but over time even those are not much of a problem.
I suggest you research plant life and give it a try. You might even be able to get some from locals who are tossing it away each month.


Yes you should have a test for nitrate.
Every s/w aquarist should have at the very minimum, an ammonia test kit, a nitrite test, and a nitrate test.
IMO you do not need any more of a clean up crew at this time, this has been touched on in other posts, adding a larger clean up crew will get rid of the algea, but this is only a temporary fix. If you do not fix the issue causing the algea you will be back in the same situation in a matter of weeks.
When you go to the LFS try to have them do a basic water test, have them check your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, I would be really curious to see what they say your levels are at.


Active Member
Hi Scott,
This is scott. IMO Marine SAT=Marine s%^t=money down the drain. Let me tell you my experience. When I started my tank I relied on my lfs for advice. For every problem that I had they had another $20 bottle of something to solve my problem. I had many, many problems. Then I found this board and learned alot. Stopped adding the chemicals and concentrated on the basics. All of my problems went away. Plus I am not spending the money that I used to.
Here is what solved my hair algae problem. I stopped feeding so much. The fish will eat as much food as you can put in the aquarium. However in the long run this will all turn into waste. I still fed every day, I just cut down on the amount that I fed. I also bought a clean up crew. This will eat the waste on the sand and rock. It sounds like you have a good clean up crew, depending on what size of tank that you have. It would help if you post what size tank you have and what fish you have in there.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Scotts
Hi Scott,
For every problem that I had they had another $20 bottle of something to solve my problem. I had many, many problems. ... Stopped adding the chemicals and concentrated on the basics. All of my problems went away. Plus I am not spending the money that I used to.

Just wanted to second this.