Green Hair Algea On Clam!!

mr. tuna

Active Member
On my baby maxima, i have realized that he has developed green hairy/ fuzzy algea on his shell. He is very healthy, under metal halides, and has algea. Is there anything i can do?
I know that it doesnt affect him.. just i would rather it not be there.


Active Member
I would remove it by simply scrubing the algae off with a clean toothbrush. However, alittle algae shouldn't harm the clam unless it gets so large that it starts blocking the clam from the light.

nm reef

Active Member
I see snails and sometimes crabs picking algaes off my clams...some people freak and think they are attacking the clams! There is never enough algae on the clams to worry about...not mine at least...but as mentioned if it accumulates much you could manually remove it...or get a few more snails.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Thanks Alot!
The clam looks awsome though.
The algea is not so hairy.. its more fuzzy, and only on his shell.
Here is a pic. :)

nm reef

Active Member
Yikes!!! If that were my clam I'd clean it off...looks healthy...but I'd remove the algae. All I ever see on mine is very'd have to look close to even see it.

mr. tuna

Active Member
So should i get about 20 turbo snails?
or take a tooth brush and gently scrape it off.
( what ever is the safest).

nm reef

Active Member
Personally...I'd try to gently remove as much as possible...and try to prevent it from returning. I have a few patchs of hair algae(not on my clams) that I am constantly trying to remove/eliminate from my display.I belive I'll always have small amounts of pest algaes but I try to prevent them from being a problem.

mr. tuna

Active Member
The clam is only 1.5'', so he is still a delicate baby.
Should i take a little tooth brush and remove it that way?
Or is there a safer, and more effective way?

nm reef

Active Member
...don't know that I'd use a toothbrush....I'd remove as much as possible as gently as possible. Maybe by hand a little at a time...but I wouldn't let it to continue as is...maybe thats just me.:thinking:

mr. tuna

Active Member
I will take your advise! :yes:
.. I also have a sandswifting goby which keeps my sand clean.. but there is a problem wiht him and the clams.. He all the time straines the sand everywere and sometimes it getts all over the clams mantle. Is that dangerous?