Hair algae removal - the voice of experience talking here!
Your algae is growing becuase there are excess nutrients in the water.
Feed your tank only a fraction of what you are currently feeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better skimming and more carbon filtration.
Get a large rubber made tub, take out enough water to fill it half way up,
then fill 3 five gallon buckets half way up with water from your tank. Line them up next to the big tub. Mix and replace saltwater in your tank.
Now remove all your rocks and place in vat/tub with salt water. Using a
scrub brush clean each rock and then dip in each of the three buckets to rinse. Move to next rock and keep repeating scrubbing and rinsing. As rocks
are finished pile on clean tarp to the side. When all are done wet towels in your last rinse bucket (it should be the cleanest) and cover the whole pile of rocks with wet towels. Leave overnite. Next day replace/rebuild rock work.
Order a sailfin blenny, turbo / astrea snails, and some scarlet legged reef hermits. Cut your lighting down by 2 hours a day from where it is now.
AND only feed your tank a FRACTION of what you are currently! This worked for me, I have now been 6 months with only coraline algae growing!