Originally Posted by fisherkid91
I heard that a rule of thumb is one snail per gallon (and one hermit per gallon). My cleanup crew for my 35 gallon reef is 15 turbo, 10 blueleg, 2 emerald, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 arrow crab, and i also have a golden headed sleeper goby (not sure if that counts). My tank is really clean, they got rid of all the hair and red slime algae i had.
You are very wise...
I think most people run into problems because they don't have enough critters to clean up the tank. I saw one post where someone had a 90g and had 2 hermits and 5 turbos?!?!?!?!
I have a 46g and I have 20 turbos, 20 nassarius, 20 scarlet hermits, 4 emeralds, and other stuff too!