green hairy algae


New Member
OK, added a blue light to my tank recently and a snail with some algae on it. Not sure if my hairy algae is from the snail or because I have added an additional light.
It is spreading over everything how can I stop it??
Someone told me coral vital will work. I hope so! Started adding it 5 days ago nothing yet.


I would test for TDS and phosphates. Even test for nitrates. What kind of lights, inverts, salt???
Need some tank details.
I had a small problem and did some testing. I also got some mex turbo snails. They are HUGE and ate all up in about 2 days.


New Member
Originally posted by mburnickas
I would test for TDS and phosphates. Even test for nitrates. What kind of lights, inverts, salt???
What is TDS??? I will run a water test this evening.
I have one white light and added a light that I paid a bit for it is blue. Not sure of the names of either light. Sorry. Still learning.