green leaf fish safe for reef??


Active Member
is a green leaf fish reef safe?? they look similar to trigger, i dont know the scientific name thanks connor


Active Member
Im not sure what that is but IMO, a filefish of some kind. There is a common name Leafy Filefish but Im not sure if thats one. I normally here the Frogfish or Waspfish some times called Leaffish.
Sorry if Im not much help and am wondering myself.


Active Member
when i first saw the pic, i also thought its a file fish. not sure if its reef safe or not, sorry.


Active Member
Try searching Monacanthus chinensis or Pseudomonacanthus macrurus. Both are FileFish and seem simular to me.


Active Member
im pretty sure its monacanthus chinensis thansk so much im reaserching righjt now i just wanted to tell you job well done thanks!


Active Member
Fishbase says it gets 14 inches and is an omnivore which feeds mainly on seagrass, algae, gammarid amphipods and caridean shrimps as well as on bryozoans, hydroids, ascidians, copepods, caprellid amphipods and tanaidaceans. Not sure what all that means. Good luck.


Look up Acreichthys Tomentosus a filefish that is called the Green file or Bristle tooth. They are great aiptasia eaters, they need a variety of meaty foods plus greens and only get to 4 inches.
Let it settle in a bit and see if the stripes or color changes a bit on this fish, files can be moody. I keep a Tasseled file but had a Green file in my reef for about 2 years, it did not bother a thing but they are shrimp eaters. My LFS had an outbreak of aiptasia, they took my Green in and still have it today to control their aiptasia.