green lr??


Active Member
my computer broke the other day and i finally got my new one in the mail yesturday...but over the past few days my levels have all almost fallen to zero across the board but all of my lr is turning this normal??? it looks like algae i!?!


well help all us out with some tank descriptions , lights,(time on) water conditions, and so on, some one :eek:n here can figure it out .


Active Member
130w actitic light i keep on for only eight hours a day, my tank is i believe all but done cycling...all of my levels are almost back to zero....i have a nearly fully stocked tank also which u may not know but many people on the site know...when i originally bought everyting i new nothing about cyclging so i just bought a bunch of fish and inverts....but i only lost two fish and one invert so i am prety lucky...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
130w actitic light i keep on for only eight hours a day, my tank is i believe all but done cycling...all of my levels are almost back to zero....i have a nearly fully stocked tank also which u may not know but many people on the site know...when i originally bought everyting i new nothing about cyclging so i just bought a bunch of fish and inverts....but i only lost two fish and one invert so i am prety lucky...
Hey there long time no see!!!! But it sounds like you have some diatoms, and they are normal and will go away with time..... Still using RO water right? Once you have had your levels down at 0 for a week, then you could start your water changes.... and it will help with riding your tank of diatoms too....... I do a 10% weekly...... But what you do is up to you!


Active Member
welcome back chadman.. we thought u got discouraged and gave up! u got a cleanup crew, right?
i ordered mine from lol
figured i owed em something for all the info on the forum,,


Active Member
haha no i am here!!! my laptop just all of a sudden totally stopped working...but i got a new one and am back online...haha...yeah i did my first water change today...i hope i didnt jump the gun but everything seemed ready to go...i only did a 10 percent change
and yeah i do have a clean up crew...i have a lawnmower blenny,ten hermits,four snails and three shrimp one cleaner and two camelbacks....i think the lawnmower is my fav....for some reason though all my fish are always on one half of my tank....i do not understand y


Active Member
now i'd like to add some anemones and some you guys have any suggestions for ones which woud be good for me? i have a little over 16 turn over rate....i had more but i got rid of the maxi jet 1200 and just stuck with two 600's at either end of my tank...before i had the 600 and the 1200...and i have the 130w bulb on my 30g i don't know if these will be good enough for most corals and anemones...i have two clownfish so i'd like some anemones


Active Member
i would wait to make sure the tank is going to stay stabilized first b4 adding those unless u truly do got $ to throw away, lol.. are those pc lights or mh?? thats just what i am doing too, lol.. im gonna keep my 4 fish, gettin my cleanup crew prolly tuesday from swf, and im just gonna enjoy the tank and make sure everything is staying stable.. then again, i had a week n a half cycle so im still kinda worried about that possibly comin back to haunt me.. in a month, if everything is good, i am adding an anenome for the clowns..


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
now i'd like to add some anemones and some you guys have any suggestions for ones which woud be good for me? i have a little over 16 turn over rate....i had more but i got rid of the maxi jet 1200 and just stuck with two 600's at either end of my tank...before i had the 600 and the 1200...and i have the 130w bulb on my 30g i don't know if these will be good enough for most corals and anemones...i have two clownfish so i'd like some anemones
Unless you have MH, which I know you didn't from the last time I had talked to you, I wouldn't touch a anemone. They are a nasy thing, if they don't live they could kill your whole tank..... definatly release alot of toxins in the water! You are fine for Leathers, Mushrooms, and some zoo's! Your clowns do not "NEED" an anemone, they will host other things in your tank. My clowns are hosting my Hammer coral!


Active Member
haha...its just that right now all of my lr is kind of greenish and the tank just looks dull....i went to my lfs this weekend and got two scallops and another feather duster to add some color to my tank temporarily....did u guys ever c live scallops...they are awsome and are very entertaining while they find a good place to set up camp
i will hold off on the corals and it true that anemones when they die release toxins into the water which could kill everything in the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932
Unless you have MH, which I know you didn't from the last time I had talked to you, I wouldn't touch a anemone. They are a nasy thing, if they don't live they could kill your whole tank..... definatly release alot of toxins in the water! You are fine for Leathers, Mushrooms, and some zoo's! Your clowns do not "NEED" an anemone, they will host other things in your tank. My clowns are hosting my Hammer coral!
when u say clowns actually in essense take ownership of a particular coral or anemone and just hang out over it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
when u say clowns actually in essense take ownership of a particular coral or anemone and just hang out over it?
Correct! They will take food back to it, and they will guard it, and the coral/anemone will keep others away from the clowns!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
how does a coral keep other fish away?
Some have a sting to them, like Hammer, torch, and frogspawn. This keeps fish away that arent use to the sting!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
awsome i am more and more amazed everyday by this stuff!
Yeah there is alot that ceces to amaze!


Active Member
well i guess i will continue to check my levels and if everything stays stable for a week or so i am gonna grab some corals i think!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
well i guess i will continue to check my levels and if everything stays stable for a week or so i am gonna grab some corals i think!
Good Idea...... how are your levels after your water change?


Active Member
i didnt check them yet...only my salinity which was not changed of course....but yeah i am going to check in a minute i have just been watching the grammy's