About six months ago I got a Green Mandarin. I was told he would eat anything and everything my other fish ate by the guy at the LFS. (My bad for not researching the fish before hand.)
I noticed he was looking really thin a few weeks ago so
I took him out of my big tank and put him in a 20gal by him self with live sand and live rock, since he is a slow eater and my tang and clowns would eat all the food before he even realized I had put any in the tank.
I have research him and I know what he needs lots of live rock and would do best in a mature tank with LR, which I do not have at this point. The only food I can get him to eat is frozen blood worms which I have to turn off all the filters so he can get them before they get sucked up.
He has been eating a lot of them but does not seem to be gaining any weight. I don't think there very nutritious.
I don't know what to do with him, I can't stand seeing him so thin. I could return him but the tank he was in at the LFS had colored gravel and plastic plants and there wasn't any live rock or even a place for him to hide.
If anyone has suggestions on what to feed him as far as frozen food goes I would really appreciate it. I'm also searching the web trying to see if I can buy copepods to feed him.
I would give him to someone who had an established aquarium rather then slowly watch him starve.
I noticed he was looking really thin a few weeks ago so
I took him out of my big tank and put him in a 20gal by him self with live sand and live rock, since he is a slow eater and my tang and clowns would eat all the food before he even realized I had put any in the tank.
I have research him and I know what he needs lots of live rock and would do best in a mature tank with LR, which I do not have at this point. The only food I can get him to eat is frozen blood worms which I have to turn off all the filters so he can get them before they get sucked up.
He has been eating a lot of them but does not seem to be gaining any weight. I don't think there very nutritious.
I don't know what to do with him, I can't stand seeing him so thin. I could return him but the tank he was in at the LFS had colored gravel and plastic plants and there wasn't any live rock or even a place for him to hide.
If anyone has suggestions on what to feed him as far as frozen food goes I would really appreciate it. I'm also searching the web trying to see if I can buy copepods to feed him.
I would give him to someone who had an established aquarium rather then slowly watch him starve.