Green Mandarin needs help


About six months ago I got a Green Mandarin. I was told he would eat anything and everything my other fish ate by the guy at the LFS. (My bad for not researching the fish before hand.)
I noticed he was looking really thin a few weeks ago so
I took him out of my big tank and put him in a 20gal by him self with live sand and live rock, since he is a slow eater and my tang and clowns would eat all the food before he even realized I had put any in the tank.
I have research him and I know what he needs lots of live rock and would do best in a mature tank with LR, which I do not have at this point. The only food I can get him to eat is frozen blood worms which I have to turn off all the filters so he can get them before they get sucked up.
He has been eating a lot of them but does not seem to be gaining any weight. I don't think there very nutritious.
I don't know what to do with him, I can't stand seeing him so thin. I could return him but the tank he was in at the LFS had colored gravel and plastic plants and there wasn't any live rock or even a place for him to hide.
If anyone has suggestions on what to feed him as far as frozen food goes I would really appreciate it. I'm also searching the web trying to see if I can buy copepods to feed him.
I would give him to someone who had an established aquarium rather then slowly watch him starve.


mine like like live brine and frozen mysis. i hear live pre bagged sand from fish store, can help resupply w/pods. but needs o lot of live rock. been thikin about addin some of that sand to give my jawfish a bigger sand bar to hang out in, and more mandarin food:happyfish


try posting this in the classifieds or coral trading forum, hopefully someone can help you out. i would hate to see him starve too. put something like free to a good home in the title.


Check everywhere for live mysis shrimp, the mandarin and other fish will love chasing them and eating them. If you get about 100 they will multiply all over your tank and therefore it will be a natural food source that should never depleate.


I agree if you are having a big problem with them you could also attempt to find someone who has sea horese in your area with plenty of LR and a couple of tanks, he will love the pods and cysts