green mandarin with a psychedelic?


New Member
Would it be possible to keep a male green mandarin with a psychedelic female or would they fight?


I tried this combo in a lg 175g tank and they still fought!! Took 3hrs to net the p. mandarin which was the more aggressive of the two.


New Member
I have been wanting to try this too but I have not because I already have a male mandarin, and he is pretty dominant. I have heard you can but that it all depends on the fish. I would say maybe add them at the same time so that they cannot claim territory and they might do ok.


IMO it's worth a shot. All fish are individuals and you never know how they'll react. Just be sure you have a safe place to send one of the fish to, be it a friend or a trusted LFS, in case of fighting. :D


Active Member
How big of a tank do you have? It isn't even a question of fighting in some cases...I would say the system may not be able to support 2 mandarins unless it was quite sizeable anyway, and then aggression may be a factor as well.