Green Mandarin


Active Member
I have a scooter bleenie in my 135 and really wanted a mandrian. I finally got one and he disapered in 1 day. He was awsome just like my scotter but now hes gone


Active Member
many Mandarins will love Kent Marine ZooPlex, it's aquacultured zooplankton, and i feed that when they're in QT

mr. tuna

Active Member
Mandarines are awsome!
My dad`s favorite fish in my tank is my mandarine. :D
I will try posting pics of him though it is a little hard
with 125 lbs of LR.

jb rekit

Thats my favorite fish too. I am wating to get one b.c I have a sand sifting star that probably has all of my tank pod population too low (need to get rid of him. never see him anyway). There are tons of pods in the fuge, but i want him in the display.


Active Member
even with a lot of pods in a 30g, he'll be in trouble sooner than later. supplement him with Kent ZooPlex and live brine shrimp. and rotate in new LR every once in a while to bring in new pods.
Even if he looks fine, he may be starving. My neighbor's mandarin was fine for almost a year, but you could tell his stomach was slightly concave, and eventually she gave it to me for my tank where he has been fine since.


I have to agree that the Mandarin is a very cool fish (VCF) and I have waited about 9 months to add one to my reef. My fuge is cooking up all sorts of stuff, and I thought it was time to add one. My daughters picked this beauty out.