Green Moray EEL needs a new home


New Member
masaleh : u want to pay for them to take it?
you cannot take it to sea world, they have to come to your location and pick it up
and it costs around $300
so if you want to fit the bill, thats cool...


Originally Posted by requiem
I am currently seting a 2700 gallon aquarium up, and I would be willing to take it of your hand if it need a home. Except the aquarium will not be done for 3 weeks or so.
outher ?'s where do you live?
Are you having your tank custom built, if so where? If you can offer information that would be great, we are building a custom home and have a specific wall area that is designated for our aguarium. The trick is that it's not a square area, it's more of an "L" shape but not at 90 deg. Any information will be great