green moss?


hey everyone
wasn't really sure where to post this, so i figured i couldn't go wrong posting it in here.
i've had my tank for over a year and haven't had any plants growing thant whole time.
now we see this dark green moss or grassy look stuff growing.
what is it? we've had bad luck with strange stuff growing in our tank, so is this stuff good? lol


lol if it is hair alge, that would so figure... it's my plan to have every bad thing you can have by the time the tank turns 2 years old..
its 75 gal, little over a year old-believe oldest lights are 5 months
ph: 8.4
ammonia: 0
trates: 5
trites: .1
phos: .25
kh: 160
calcium: 360
salinity: 1.024
we did a water change two days ago, gonna check the levels today after school.. trites should be 0 now.. not sure if it'd lower the phosphates
if this is hair alge, how should we go about removing it? i know i read somewhere some type of fish would eat it.. we have:
1 yellow tang
1 chromis
2 clarkii clowns (who are fixing to go bye bye)
1 maroon clown
1 court jester goby
1 black sailfin blenny
1 pajama cardinal
20-30 hermit crabs
4-6 peppermint shrimps
2 sally light foot crabs
5-6 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
1 cb shrimp
15-20 snails


Active Member
Phosphates should be zero. Test your water source. Some RO/DI water has phosphates but shouldn't. Also can enter via food especially frozen foods. Make sure you thaw out and drain your foods before adding it to your tank.


Active Member
this is what i did i posted this before and im sure people are sick of sein it but oh well
GREEN HAIR ALGAE: who hasnt experienced this.this algea loves bright light and astablished reef tanks. Green hair algae consumes excess nutrients faster then any other algea.Below are measures and steps of riding this FOREVER
1.-make sure u have a protien skimmer and its suitible for your size tank, for proper working conditions make sure u clean out skimmer cup every other day to have 100 percent working capability also make sure your pump stays clean for maximum flow
2. decrease lighting just like with the cyono cut your light in half
3. perform regular water changes again i like 10 percent weekly, when doing a water change suck out as much algea as possible, use only di water or rodi.
never use tap , tap water has high nitrates, phosphates and nitrites.
4.phisicly remove the algea by riping it of the rock,keep a cup of di water next to u to rinse your fingers each time u put your hands back in the tank to insure all spores are off and your not reintroducing the algea to your water,after about 20 hrs of manually removing the algea your inverts aka cleanup crew should keep it under control.
5. get a good clean up crew mexican turbos , green emerald crabs and possibly an lmb.i also use phosgaurd to remove any phosphates
in colclusion please do regular water changes, feed small amounts every other day, only use rodi or di water and dont keep your lights on for more then 10 hrs a day. everyone experiences algea blooms in there tank i hope this help in managing the problem algaes.


we've tested our ro/di water and i cant remember it having any phosphates, but i'll check again.. started to look at hair algae pictures (on google), and what we have doesn't really look like hair algae, more like "beard" algae? anyone ever have that? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by cocoboy821
we've tested our ro/di water and i cant remember it having any phosphates, but i'll check again.. started to look at hair algae pictures (on google), and what we have doesn't really look like hair algae, more like "beard" algae? anyone ever have that? :notsure:
is there any way to post a pic,i dont think it maters what kind u have they thrive on lighting and excess nutrients


so i've been tryin to get the picture down to size and where you can still see whatever the..*big breath* crud.. is. lol sorry.. gettin slight frustration attackin


I agree with reef freak.
If it is bad enough, I will occasionally put tank water in a big tub and pull the rocks out and clean them in there, rinse them off with rodi and then back into the tank. Dumb the water in the tub and just treat it all like a water change. I don't know if this is right or smart, but it worked for me. I did this a few months ago and haven't had any probs since.
Good luck. Isn't algae a pain in the @$%?


Originally Posted by reefreak29
this is what i did i posted this before and im sure people are sick of sein it but oh well
GREEN HAIR ALGAE: who hasnt experienced this.this algea loves bright light and astablished reef tanks. Green hair algae consumes excess nutrients faster then any other algea.Below are measures and steps of riding this FOREVER
1.-make sure u have a protien skimmer and its suitible for your size tank, for proper working conditions make sure u clean out skimmer cup every other day to have 100 percent working capability also make sure your pump stays clean for maximum flow
2. decrease lighting just like with the cyono cut your light in half
3. perform regular water changes again i like 10 percent weekly, when doing a water change suck out as much algea as possible, use only di water or rodi.
never use tap , tap water has high nitrates, phosphates and nitrites.
4.phisicly remove the algea by riping it of the rock,keep a cup of di water next to u to rinse your fingers each time u put your hands back in the tank to insure all spores are off and your not reintroducing the algea to your water,after about 20 hrs of manually removing the algea your inverts aka cleanup crew should keep it under control.
5. get a good clean up crew mexican turbos , green emerald crabs and possibly an lmb.i also use phosgaurd to remove any phosphates
in colclusion please do regular water changes, feed small amounts every other day, only use rodi or di water and dont keep your lights on for more then 10 hrs a day. everyone experiences algea blooms in there tank i hope this help in managing the problem algaes.
Take these step and you should be on your way!
I had done all of this last summer and helped TONS, I did also go out and buy a Sea Hare , Amazing little critter!