Green plant?


I was wondering what this was.. I had a little piece on my GSP's when I bought it and it never really seemed to bloom til lI added the new lights about 3 months ago... is it harmful? or doesn't matter...



Active Member
if its spreading like that and you like it, then leave it. if you find it a nuisance start picking at it. i dont know what kind of macro that is but you shouldnt let it totally overrun the tank


Active Member
it might help if you put it in a fuge. I would pick it out because it would annoy me.


Active Member
A Caulerpa species. Maybe C. prolifera or C. brachypus
Either way something tha is very invasive and will overtake your rocks and tank.I suggest you start doing some research into this weed and the control methods you are going to need.


Originally Posted by Daftboy
Should I get another clearer picture?
I would google the names Spanko gave you, and see what looks like yours
sometimes that's easier then getting better pics (for me anyway)


Active Member
Not sure why you want to get a better picture of it. It is definitely a Caulerpa sp., and in my opinion a pest that will over run your tank.
Have some doubts? Let it grow for a while and see what happens. (I don't recommend this, but for your own piece of mind......well.......)


I didn't mean it as I didn't believe you .. I was just asking because you where unsure which or the two it was..and I was unsure if each one has a diff. way of clearing it from the tank. I looked at both of those in google and it did not appear to be either of them


I mean its kinda like Caulerpa brachypus ..but really at the same reminds me of the vines you would climb in Mario bros 3.. if you can picture that..



Any ideas of how to remove this? I tried picking at it but each piece is attached indivually...I'm thinking about just ditching the rocks they are one and let the die.. what do you think ?


Active Member
it takes persistance man. keep trying, if you want you can do what you said about the rocks and recycle