Green Ricordia


New Member
Does anyone have experience with Green Ricordia? I got three small polyps from this site last week. They are my first attempt at corals. My question is how much lighting do they need. I placed them in the middle of my tank. I have the Corallife lighting system. In the morning the blue actinics are turned on, then at 11:00 am my 10K comes on until 7pm. When I get home from work at 5pm, the ricordia appear bleached out, however in the morning they are a brighter green. Does this mean they are getting too much light during the day or maybe they are too high in the tank and I should move them to the bottom. What does everyone think?


Active Member
What kidn fo lighting? Corallife is just a brand name not a type of fixture. How big is the tank? How big are the rics? What color? Yuma's or Florida's? Try to give us some info and we can help you out a little better


New Member
The rics I purchased from this site. They are the green ricordia polyps for $7.99. My tank is 29 gal. My lights are new power compacts 130W with lunar lights. They are mounted over my tank about 4"


Active Member
They should be fine. They do not require much light. If they appear to be bleaching, place them on the sandbed or lower in the tank. I have purchased the green ricordeas from this site as well and they are doing great. I actually fragged them today!


New Member
How fast should they grow? Mine are very small, but they appear to be bigger already. I also purchased green fuzzy grass, which is doing really good. I am just concerned that the polyps color seems to fade at times.


Active Member
I tot some rics in the mail from this site on Tuesday, and theyre doing great under 130 w PC in my 20 g.


I have a ton of green rics in my 55 with 410 watts of lighting and they are on the bottom most rock and doing great. I would move urs down to the sand or a bottom rock and go from there.


Active Member
They can change in size drastically throughout the day, so do not be concerned if they shrink to nothing sometimes.


Active Member
I put mine middle-up, and they're fine. I think I can pretty much put them anywhere cause of the shape of my tank...its only like 12 in high.