green slimer will not open


have had this coral about 2 months. the first couple days the polyps were open good and then never again. i have moved it to 4-5 different spots but still nothing. today i checked some levels alk was higher than usual around 11 and calcium was low at around 425 so i added a lil calcium. do you think that would cause the polyps to not open? i have a 12 bulb extreme pro fixture with ati bulbs. 4000 gph 100 gal tank indirect flow on coral


im not sure never really looked. the crazy thing is, it is growing just as good as all my other sps. just went and checked and there were polyps out, and the lights are still off. i moved it to a spot close to the bottom of the tank though and raised my calcium so we'll see in the next couple of days. unless you have something else in mind?


Active Member
Strong water flow, medium to high lighting. One of the easier SPS coral to care for IMO. Your calcium and alk look fine. 4-5 moves in a 2 month period is a lot. Pick a place where the flow is going over it, not directly in front of a powerhead, and the light meets what it needs then just let it be. Coral have to acclimate to placement in the tank and I think you are not giving it enough time to do so.