green spoted puffer, banana moray and small lion in a small reef


i was at my lfs store today, he says that a volitans lion and a puffer and a banana moray would be an ok choice for a reef that has schools of fish and some cleaner shrimp and lots of hiding spots for everything elses if i keep them well fed, from what i heard this is not true though anyone do this or attempted it i really need help on this


Active Member
Volitans get pretty big, and would easily gobble up most schooling fish, no matter how well you feed them.



Originally posted by jeffsz28
green spotted puffer? any pictures?

no but im sure you can find them on google


Active Member

Originally posted by jeffsz28
i knew it had to be from brackish waters- how is your living in pure saltwater?

Almost all brackish water fish move into full marine environments as they mature. Acclimating them to saltwater is actually better for their colors as well as appetite, esp as they become older.