Green Spotted Puffer Needs Friends


New Member
I have a small 2-3" Green Spotted Puffer in a 10g with a False Clownfish and 3 Bumblebee gobies. I'm finally able to move him to a 40 gallon tank and was considering maybe a couple more clownfish, but clownfish are kind of stupid IMO. (I've had Cichlids and clownfish just dont do anything exciting in comparison!) I've been looking around trying to find some buddies for the little puff, since I know he won't get too much larger. Just one or two more fish. It's hard since I know he might get aggressive, might not, but so far only tears apart his food.
The only think I could think of adding is a Conch and a ton of snails/crabs to keep him happy. Any suggestions? I'd hate to be the annoying noob that asks for help but I don't trust LFS's and the internet only gets you so far.


Active Member
frankly upgrade or get rid of some stuff, u r waaaay overstocked, that puffer needs a bare minimum of 35 gallons in which it should have to itself.


Active Member
are u talking about FW SW or a brackish system? i have a leopard puffer in a brackish system and i was lucky, this one is tame as can be, hes a little scardie cat


These puffers will get larger than 2-3", more like 5-6" but a 40g tank will be nice. With an adult puffer I doubt youll be keeping much with it as they are extremely aggressive. Mabe a snowflake eel?


New Member
He'll start pushing probably 5" or so in the bigger tank. There's two different kinds of saltwater spotted puffers. One stays closer to 3" the other around 5". The tank I have now was acquired from a friend and isn't a permanent fix... As you can see he's going to get a 40g home. I was only considering getting one or two more fish (small fishes!)... Maybe damsels or something to keep it colorful? He's very docile and the gobies (which are barely half an inch in size) sample me for lunch when I clean the tank, not the puffer. :notsure: An eel sounds really awesome but I'm sure 40g is too small for a snowflake. And isn't a snowflake eel freshwater?
I'm talking about SW set up btw... :)


New Member
I've been thinking about maybe maybe maybe getting a Sailfin Scorpion but I'm scared about first ordering a fish online... And second getting stung and having a bad reaction to it. Which wouldn't be a good thing at all.