Green Star Polyp Coral


New Member
What is the minimum wattage for this coral.And what type of bulb?:help: Will this bulb I have work. Ocean Sun 10,000K 18 watts. Thanks,Andrea


Active Member
welcom to the site.

im not to sure but i do belive that gsp are low loght coral but 18 watts is extremly low you might want to upgrade your lighting. but i would wait for some more experenced players in this game to help out.:joy: :happyfish


Staff member
I have green star polyps and they will not even come out in NO lighting, which is what you are suggesting.


New Member
:confused: What light would I need? What would be the minimum I could use for these. And what light are you using for yours. Thanks,Andrea


Active Member
You need power compact or VHO about 3 watts per gallon for lower light corals such as gsp. What size tank do you have?


New Member
:cheer: THANK YOU Wrassecal
I have a Tall 40 gal. I have'nt had very good luck with corals and polyps because I did'nt know what wattage I needed.
SO THANKS for the info!

i like fish

I threw some GSP cuttings in my QT (with one NO fl. bulb) and they lived a few months. They were open a lot. They slowly died off though. One other thing I noticed is they need current to open up. I tried some in my fuge and they never opened.


You definately need more watts and they do need to be kept under fairly strong current IMO. Mine are right in the flow from a power head and they are under about 3.8 wpg.


Active Member
Yes, they do like current. Enough for them to sway some. If you are buying lighting for gsp and other softies I'd get in the 3 - 5 watts per gal area.

nm reef

Active Member
In a 40 gal display 18 watts is way to little light for nearly any type corals. But the folks have already pointed that out. I'd suggest a search for a article titled "reefkeeping 101" has a wealth of info that you may find very beneficial.
SDounds like you are determined to develope a of luck and keep us posted on its progress...:thinking:


Well-Known Member
I have had green stars under 4-40w NOs for bout 4-5 months now in my 55g. The do open and are high in the tank and in current. They will not open for some time when I move them for instance. Also my calcium just got over 400ppm and i have a tang and coral beauty in there also.
they are still there but so far do not seem to be spreading much. So higher lighting, lower nitrates, and/or higher calcium would probably help. But at least they are still there.


Do green star polyps like high water flow or low water flow.Ive had my polyps for 4 days and ive only seen 3-4 open at one time but now there hidding again.Whats the water flow required for them.????


I have mine under 175w MH...but low flow and they are doing great. I will be increasing my flow hopefully they will spread quicker.