Green Star Polyp is white?


Hi all,
I am new to coral so I don't know, but why would a green star polyp have white "blooms"? Too much light? Not enough? It's near the top of my tank and my lights are 96w 10k PC's (125g tank). The center of the blooms are white and I thought they were supposed to be green. Here's a pic.


i think star polyps have a photosynthetic mechanism that is also responsible for their color, like the zooxanthellae algae inside of a BTA. its possible you have a case of bleaching. under stress organisms like this may expel their endosymbiont causing a clear or colorless look...hence bleaching.
if you post your temperature, chemistries, and tank setup; im sure a few of the more experienced guys could tell you if hes possibly being stressed.


It's okay if the center blooms are white! I have a green star poyp and mine are white but everything around mine is green and so should yours!
I am not really sure why from the photo yours is all white unless the lighting isn't good!


Thanks. My readings as of yesterday are:
SG 1.025
Ph 8.2
Nitrates 8
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
Calcium 450
Temp 79.5
The tank is a 125g with 55g sump. 1200 GPH pump. 125 lb live rock.
1 hippo tank
1 lopezi tang
2 perc. clowns
sand sifting star
red serpent star
several hermits and snails
1 bubble tip anemone
I drip acclimated the coral as directed for about 2 hours. It has been in the DT for a week. It was in my QT for 2 weeks. It did seem greener in the QT, but the light on it is a cheap T5.


Originally Posted by crt81
It's okay if the center blooms are white! I have a green star poyp and mine are white but everything around mine is green and so should yours!
I am not really sure why from the photo yours is all white unless the lighting isn't good!
Thanks. Yes, just the centers are white. The area surrounding the center (I really need to learn the proper terminology.. sorry) is a mix of tan and purple. Not a hint of green though