Green star polyp or dead rock?


Five days ago I put my first Coral (green star polyp) in my 24 Aqua Pod. It was beautiful when I bought it at the LFS. Now it looks like a piece of purple rubber on a rock. LOL. I would assume that once settled in my tank it will open back up. (right?) Temp is 78-80, PH 8.2, Nitrates 20, Nitrites 0 and Ammonia barely readable. It's a new tank (about 3 weeks) and I'm new to the hobby. I only temp acclimated it prior to putting it in. Whats Up? :notsure: Oh yeah, 20 lbs live sand and about 25 lbs live rock


Active Member
You don’t want ammonia in your tank period. Given better water quality,
once the coral has situated its self in the tank and adapted to its new water chemistry it should open and be fine.
Three weeks is a little early to be putting coral in you new set up. JMO.
I grow and frag my starpolyps. I have many kinds. You do need to slow down on your buying for now. With a new tank even if you do good for a few weeks you with end up with an overload of nitrites. I can for sure say though as long as you keep the bright purple colored "mat" with the bumps they will be fine; it's when that turns whitish and thins out there going! the way they will get a little whitish around the edges when they are growing as well; but your not there yet!!