green star polyp question

i have a green star poylp that after getting yesterday about 24 hours later the started to come out of their they all retreated back this normal?
lights are off 150 ...12 on. and does that soft thing they go into get bigger with more polyp or do they grow on the rocks or anything


polyps will probably retreat if the lights are off. this is normal. the soft portion will spread and more polyps will grow.


I've had them close up for a couple of days, worried I think they are dieing...well then after a couple of days they are out and waving away in the current. Yours are probably just getting use to their new home. I put some in my 150 awhile ago and it took them over a week to start opening.


Active Member
Like mentioned above they will retract when lights go out. Mine will sometimes come back out after hours, but rarely. They will also need to adjust to the change in lighting from their previos home.


i have a long will it take for the purple mat to spread because i've had mine for a good month now and dont see the purple mat spreading...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bimm3rb0y
i have a long will it take for the purple mat to spread because i've had mine for a good month now and dont see the purple mat spreading...
By the end of the second month mine had consumed the fist sized rock it came on. I've had it almost a year and it has spread nearly 18" to the left and grown to about 12" wide. I accidentally fragged a 5 polyp chunk when I moved a small rock from it's path. It had already attached and ripped when I pulled on the rock so now I have a little GSP on a rock with xenia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bimm3rb0y
i have a long will it take for the purple mat to spread because i've had mine for a good month now and dont see the purple mat spreading...
I've had mine for several months and I am yet to see any growth either. Do you guys have the rock up on top of the lr, or sitting in the sand bed?


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I've had mine for several months and I am yet to see any growth either. Do you guys have the rock up on top of the lr, or sitting in the sand bed?
Mine sits about mid tank under 260w PC 10,000k daylights w/ actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Mine sits about mid tank under 260w PC 10,000k daylights w/ actinics.
Maybe my location is part of it. Mine is in the sandbed, but it's under 750w MH's and actinics. They come out everyday, just have not seen any growth/spreading.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Maybe my location is part of it. Mine is in the sandbed, but it's under 750w MH's and actinics. They come out everyday, just have not seen any growth/spreading.
Do they cover their rock entirely? They may want something solid to attach to. Try placing a peice of rock next to them and see if they'll spread onto it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Do they cover their rock entirely? They may want something solid to attach to. Try placing a peice of rock next to them and see if they'll spread onto it.
It's a small rock, kinda flat, a little bigger than a golf ball. But no, only about 1/3 to 1/2 is covered with the purple mat, and maybe 15 or so small blossoms. I have tried moving it onto the rocks before, but the rock is so small/light that it gets blown off. I might try again and just wedge it a little better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I have tried moving it onto the rocks before, but the rock is so small/light that it gets blown off. I might try again and just wedge it a little better.
Maybe some superglue gel would help. Never used it, but others here have.

scopus tang

Active Member
Be careful with your placement! As previously stated, once they start to grow and spread, they can really expand. And they will grow over and smother other corals. Personally I keep mine on my sandbed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by southstar066
ive had mine for 2 days now they barely came out at all todayi have them under a 150w mh 14,000k at the top most rock.
That may be a little too much too soon. It's best to start low and work them up.
What other coral do you have?
i have a pink and green brain in the sand...a ric frag and 2 zoo frags the star is about 4x6 inches...if it does the same thing tomorrow ill def move it to the sand...but when i looked on another website it said they like middle to high position...but maybe not


Active Member
Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
I've had them close up for a couple of days, worried I think they are dieing....
Ha,ha. If only that were true with GSP. I have been trying to kill them off for over 6 months now and every time I think I have them all gone, they reappear. I have almost given up and decided to just let them do their thing.
Unless your water parameters are way out of whack, don't worry about them. They are one of the toughest corals available tot he hoibbyist.
To have them open right after getting them is a good thing. Most of the time they can take a week or longer once in a new system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by southstar066
i have a pink and green brain in the sand...a ric frag and 2 zoo frags the star is about 4x6 inches...if it does the same thing tomorrow ill def move it to the sand...but when i looked on another website it said they like middle to high position...but maybe not
And take my word for it, they can grow anywhere they can get light in your tank, But yes, they do like lots of light, flow and upper area of the system.