green star polyp still closed

big slick

brought home 4 new corals today, and all are getting comfortable with exception of the green star polyp....only 2 or three have come out and opened from their purple tubes.....anyone run into the same problem?


Active Member
GSP are sensitive sometimes. If everything else is OK & the GSP was open when you bought them, they should be fine. Sometimes they can take a couple weeks to open fully. I wouldnt be concerned yet.

big slick

is it just the way they are? the lighting change? I am starting them pretty low in the tank so as not to UV burn them. I will just wait it out I guess. Anything I should do in the mean time?
Lights are 3 x 6500K with 2x 165 actinics


GSP are moody sometimes, they will close for 1-2weeks at a time. Just when you think they are dead the next day they open and look better than ever.


I had the very same problem. Bought GSP and brown polyps. The browns opened that day, the greens took about 5 days. I kept moving them around the tank but I suggest just letting them be, they will open up.