Green Star polyp


Hey about on Tuesday I bought a small colony of green star polyps, and at the lfs they were open and out of their tube things. But when I got them home, they have been hiding in their tubes since. It's in my little 5 gallon becoming a micro reef tank with a 15w light which ought to be enough for polyps and 'shrooms. I also read somewhere they usally won't leave their tubes until after a week or so, is this true? Does any body here have experience with these cool looking polyps?


I have some to mine came out the next day. I am having problems with them now. When I first got them they were flowing in the current of the water, now they seem rather stiff. Seems also like there now moving as much as before. Anyone have any ideas what I can do to fix this. I have a 125 gallon and everything else corals/fish/grabs/shrimp are doing great except for these. HELP....


I have two large colonies of greens, and one of maroons. Sometimes my greens don't come out for several days at a time. I think they are tempermental, or it seems mine are. All the smaller colonies come out and the maroons are always out but the green mother colonies do their own thing. Just keep an eye on the H2o and wait and see.


My green stars like the salinity to be a bit on the high end(.024-.025). they also like to take little hiatus once in a while.LOL :D


Active Member
I agree with dlight, moderate flow. Also you may want to add a bit more light or put them up higher on your rock.