green star polyps


I posted a message about a week ago about some green star polyps I had purchased. It has been about three days and they hadn't open and I was told not to be concerned. It's been additional week and they still aren't open. I leave my compacts on for 7-8 hours a day, should I try more? I did clean my tank last week, though there is nothing wrong with it. All levels are good. Any suggestions? Thanks


what kind of lights do you have? how far from them are they? do they have good current? what other things do you have in there? how bigs the tank?


I have a 55 gallon with about 65-75 pounds of life rock, coralife compact lighting sitting about 5 inches from the top of the tank. I have a yellow tang, blue hippo tang, fox face, and a flame angel. I have some Brown zoos and an anenome as well as snails and blue-legged crabs. Anything else you need to know? I think I covered all the bases.


i have mine at the highest point in the tank under 4x96w with good flow. but my lights are litterally about and inch or two from the top of the watter. you might want to try and lower that light down. allso try oyster eegs in the watter. mine go crazy for the stuff


I would sya teh piece is not in a spot it likes and would try another area of the tank they do like a higher flow area with stronger lighting. So my advice would be to move it and see how it goes for this week. They are very hardy and should be fine once it fines a place it likes. How did you acclimate if not done properly some corals tend to shut down for a while. What are you feeding your corals?


One of the difficulties in the maintenance of reef aquaria is the ability to provide consistent, nutritious, and usable food resources that help to reproduce the large amount of particulate food or zooplankton available on natural reefs. Late in the summer of 2003, Dennis Tagrin, of DT’s Plankton Farm, provided me with a food source he had been considering as a marketable product and asked for my analysis of its utility for reef aquaria.Under the microscope, the cell density of the product was extremely high, and the addition of 1ml of the eggs produced a high particle count in a 55-gallon reef tank (sufficient to feed every coral polyp several times over!). The eggs are approximately 40-50 microns in size, making them an excellent size for capture by corals and other filter feeding invertebrates.These oyster eggs have a very good nutritional profile, and appear to maintain their nutritional value over long periods of frozen storage. The eggs have a strong “fresh-ocean” smell, and elicit a strong feeding response from both fish and invertebrates. I greatly look forward to the regular availability of this product as a natural and beneficial plankton-substitute for my other reef systems. - Eric H. Borneman
this is from the firm that made it


I had the same exact problem with my GSP as well.. Mine took about a week and a half to open up - now they are kicking ass.
As long as they are still looking well, I would say just be patient. It is well worth it.


Active Member
i got a small frag on saterday about 2 inches long at most with about 20 polyps for 5 bucks!! they didnt open the frst day and more and more started opening. They are now all open and are about 1/4 the way up the tank. i know they should be in the top, especialy because i only have 2X96 watt PC. But they seem to like it there so far and there is barely any rock attached to them, so they kept falling off from the flow at night. But they seem happy with the amount of light, so i will keep an eye on them to make sure they are doing fine.