green star polyps.


Active Member
they dont need to be fed anything. and yes they will live however they will not grow very fast at all and also my lose a bit of color. but they will live


Active Member
You dont have to feed them anything although some people do. They get most of thier energy from the lighting. They will be fine under your PC lights IMO. Good luck.


is there enything i could feed them that will make them grow faster??? and how long doe it take for 4 polyps to be around 10-20?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
is there enything i could feed them that will make them grow faster??? and how long doe it take for 4 polyps to be around 10-20?

feed them lots of bright light! I used to feed them DT's phytoplankton but after awhile I stopped and didnt notice any now I save a few bucks and feed them nothing! They grow like weeds anyway.... it depends on your lighting but in my tank its a couple weeks prob.


Active Member
Originally Posted by escape2thewater
feed them lots of bright light! I used to feed them DT's phytoplankton but after awhile I stopped and didnt notice any now I save a few bucks and feed them nothing! They grow like weeds anyway.... it depends on your lighting but in my tank its a couple weeks prob.

Yes, the lighting is the factor. Star polyps actualy cannot ingest phyloplankton. That is why you never noticed a difference escape. ;-) You were feeding it, but they were not eating it.