Green Star Polyps


New Member
I have 2 in my tank one looks great and the other is only 25% out whereas 2 weeks ago it was 100%. Help it needs a doctor.


New Member
Strange. We are having the same type of trouble with some finicky star polyps as well. All the levels are good, PC lighting, medium flow, but they still want to go back in for an extended amount of time and then just come back one day like nothing happened. They are supposed to be so hardy so we can't figure out why they are being so difficult. We could use some advice as well.


Have you checked your water paraments? What are the specifics? PH, temp, SG, Amon, Trates, Trites, ect. Also, what is the flow in your tank?


New Member
Ours are pH 8.4, temp 78, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are all zero. Calcium is about 480 and alkalinity is about 10 dKH. We use Phoslock to control our phosphates and keep algae in check. 20 gl tank with 130 watts PC.


New Member
SG is 1.023. We have a nano powerhead that provides moderate flow to the star polyps and zoas. It also seems to send enough over to our torch coral by deflecting off the front glass.


Active Member
hmmm seems like an epidemic. The same thing is happening to mine. I have two different types a white flesh and a purple flesh. they grow on the same rock. One is out all the time and one has a couple out.
I think it might be my lighting. I should have changed the bulbs in Dec. for my yearly maintence, but didn't. Ihave them on order now, but I read another thread that said if you don';t change your lights red stuff will start to grow. I'm just now getting a slight red color on my floor.

How old are your lights?


New Member
My water paraments are good. I have metal halad which I run 10 hours per day ,asatain which run 12 hours per day (come on 1 hr b4 and off 1 hr after haliad with moon lights that come on 1 hr b4 the asatains go off and go off aftet the asatain come on needless to say they are all on timers. I bought the light used and don't know how old the bulbs are. How do you tell when they need replaced?