green star polyps


Active Member
Our daughter just bought us some green star ployps that just came in to the lfs today. They have not opened up yet. Our lfs is so popular that people are hangin around waiting for shipments. She went ahead and snagged them before someone else could. Anyone know about long it usually takes for them to open and get going? Also, any other tips I need to know about them.


Mine took about two days after getting them to fully open up. They seem to like moderate light and moderate current. Dont put a powerhead on them directly, but good movement around them is needed. HTH


i agree with mini reefer, mine like the extra lighting and current. they will be fine in a couple days though, as long as the waters fine. good luck.

ed r

As the others have said, there is no need to worry if they are closed completely for a few days. Are the polyps attached to a rock or a loose mat? If the mat is loose I would start in low current until they start to attach to something. If the mat moves around, they will probably close up most of the time. When firmly attached to rocks, they can handle fairly strong current.


Active Member
They are attached to a rock. They are closed up pretty tight right now so I'm not sure if pink or purple, they look more purplish right now anyway, may lighten up or darken up when open. I put them pretty high up and lots of current around them but no direct hits from the ph's. My water is good but some tank mates are on the move. I think the worm in my hawaiin feather duster is moving out and I just noticed one of my bubble tips is on the move, unusual for both. I think it's because I replaced a maxijet 400 w/ a maxijet 1200 a few days ago although neither one of them are taking direct hits from the ph.


My star polyps acted the same way. I bought it and I left it for vacation. If I remember correctly mine took one week to open fully. But now it looks great.


New Member
In my experience with both brown & green star polyps is patience. My brown stars were tank raised and looked great. When I put them in my tank, it took s couple of weeks for them to fully open. I've had the same experience with the greens.


Active Member
WOW, so I'm hearing anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks?
Byrself they are purple based. Is ther much difference between the purple based and the pink based?


I've had some for about 4 months now and they have gone through a couple of periods where they closed for several days.I checked water and all was well.Then suddenly they opened up's only happened twice and none of the other corals reacted the same.I have a hawkfish that was using them as his perch for a while,and I think that was the cause.Anyway,once they become happy they will start to spread like weeds to neighboring rocks.Mine is even trying to creep out onto the substrate.


Active Member
Are yellow tangs known to mess with them? Last night mine was pecking on the rock, could have been after something else, since they weren't open yet. Today 4 or 5 of them have opened up, so their getting started.
Get them away from any algea. I had one and it was growing fast!! but then my hair algae kicks in and there goes my star polyps.=( well hope that the same thing happened to me will no happen to u . Good luck ;)


Active Member
Well I noticed about half of the mat wasn't attached to the rock very well, so I took them off and set them on another piece of rock a little lower in tank with less current. Think this will be ok? They'll attach to the rock? Quite a few have opened now.

ed r

I find that the healthy polyps attach very quickly (like within days). They also seem to be pretty tough. My brittle star pulled a loose patch (this patch was on the sand) under his rock. I recovered some of it and put it on a rock. It opened the next day, but he pulled it down again the following. I kept at it, but so did he. He is now at the LFS. The two small (5-8 polyps) pieces that remain from that patch are opening already. My other patches are securely attached to other rocks and spreading rapidly. They were obtained loose in a trade. If the current (or some critter action) doesn't blow it off the rock, I would expect it will be attached shortly. I think mine did not seem to start spreading until after they attached. Good luck with them.


Originally posted by Wrassecal:
<strong>WOW, so I'm hearing anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks?
Byrself they are purple based. Is ther much difference between the purple based and the pink based?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Originally posted by Wrassecal:
<strong>Well I noticed about half of the mat wasn't attached to the rock very well, so I took them off and set them on another piece of rock a little lower in tank with less current. Think this will be ok? They'll attach to the rock? Quite a few have opened now.</strong><hr></blockquote>
well, i notice with mine, the purple based ones grow alot faster than the pink based. =)
that was a good idea with the loose mat, consider that your first polyp frag ;)