Green Star Polyps


I haven't been able to get a good solid answer about flow requirements for GSPs. I've read/heard both low and high, so I was hoping that some of you guys could tell me where you keep yours, so I can make mine happy!! I have them in fairly high flow now and they open, but aren't doing as well as I hoped they would. Everything else is growing like crazy, but not the stars.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Don't worry too much.....your GSP will take off more than you will probably like soon. They normally do best in a medium flow. I would say medium because if they have too much flow......they can't open all the way and if they have too little flow......Detritus and things can build up on them and keep them from opening.
Definitely Medium. :D


Thanks guys, they are in med flow with a gust from a rotating powerhead every three seconds or so , so maybe they will grow this time!! I've only had them since tuesday and they opened while they were in the bag acclimating, so we'll see. Thanks!!!

melissa v.

I agree with the medium flow also, (to start off with, for growth) but i have fragged mine so many times i have them in low med, and high, and they thrive anywhere now.
Melissa V.