Green water = Plankton?


lfs said i had plankton bloom. Said run a UV sterilizer for a few day. Should i have any concerns. Or does anyone have any other solutions??


Active Member
Originally Posted by SubVillian
lfs said i had plankton bloom. Said run a UV sterilizer for a few day. Should i have any concerns. Or does anyone have any other solutions??
For me, I just run a protein skimmer, that got rid of that problem right away!!! Plus some water change will help too!!! :happyfish


I have my protien skimmer running 24/7 and i do a 25% water change a week. I have been told to turn my lights off for 2 to 3 days. that kinda cleared it up. but I turn my lights on for 4 hours and its coming right back. I can not shake the green water. LFS says its plankton and to run a UV filter for 3 days. What to do what to do??? I have been battling this cloudy green water for months. And all i want is a Crystal clear tank. I am starting to hate my tank :(


A UV sterilizer will eliminate/kill free floating algae.
Until you find the underlying problem, though, it will always come back once you stop using UV.
Something is causing the bloom and finding out what it is will be best in the long run.
If you want to use a UV sterilizer to get the problem under control, it should work like your LFS says. I'd look online for one, though, as it will probably be much cheaper.


no expert but i would guess water condition
do you use RO water or tap water? this could be a big culprit
what are your levels for nitrate and phosphate those two things will feed algae.


Also, you mentioned you have been keeping your lights off to try to control the bloom, but is the aquarium near a window by any chance?
I had a problem with algae and then discovered my aquarium was getting some direct sunlight coming through the window during the late afternoon. I closed the blinds on the window and the algae went away.