green water

blue steel

Well I just can not get rid of my green water. I have turned my lights of for days, lots of water changes, put phosphate absorbers and even used denitrate. I found out about a medication called ACCU-CLEAR. Can I use this for green water in my saltwater aquarium?


New Member
This is strange because I have the same thing happening to me. My tank has been set up for 3 months and pretty quickly it got really green like a swamp. I had no animals in it, so I shut the lights off for days and days, dropped the temp from 80 to 76 degrees and whala, the water cleared up perfectly. I added an anemone, yellow tang, clown, crabs and snails and steadily the water is getting green again. I do water changes, tests are good... no ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, Ph is good. I'm at a loss. I bought that clear water thing you mentioned but haven't used it yet. My thought is it will only be a temporary cure for the underlying problem. I just don't know what the problem is and nobody I talk to seems to know. I run a sea clone skimmer and two powerheads. I have 70 lbs. of live rock. Is your setup similiar?

blue steel

I looked at that site and they spelled it a little different. they spelled SEA-CLEAR you spell it SEA-KLEAR I looked in the internet for both and Ic ant find anything except for the way you spell it. But it says that it is used in swimming pool, spas, and ponds, but nothing about saltwater aquariums. I ran across this site and found that SALTWATERFISH.COM sells a chemical called (ITS CLEAR) and I think it may work. HAve you heard anything about this?


New Member
I currently have a 90 gal freshwater set up my bottle of ACCU-CLEAR is labled for FRESHWATER ONLY !!! unless you found one for SW but i have never seen it for SW. and i also dont think it will help with green water this is usually used for cloudy or water with fine floating particals!
hope this helps


New Member
I'm sort of lost... new to reef hobby (only had salt fish in the past)! From the info I've gotten here and other people I've talked to, I believe I definitely have an algae bloom and maybe cyano bacteria? I have red film that covers my sand bed and power heads in addition to green water. Question- Is it true I cannot leave my lights off for days if I have an anemone, tang and clown? In the past, leaving the lights off cleared it (before I had fish) but it came back. I'm at the point where I feel like draining the whole tank and starting over. I bought a filter a month back (not sure of the model, but it was Penguin I think and cost about $75). The water looked good when I was running that 24/7. Now it broke. People tell me I shouldn't be running that 24/7 anyway in a reef tank, but since it broke, all this happened. Can anyone tell me in "beginner" laymens terms what my next step should be? I can go to the store today and buy whatever, but I'm not sure what to do. I'm doing 25% water changes every week and cleaning the skimmer daily. Any help would be SOOO appreciated. THANK YOU!!


Active Member
I looked at that site and they spelled it a little different. they spelled SEA-CLEAR you spell it SEA-KLEAR I looked in the internet for both and Ic ant find anything except for the way you spell it.
Not sure if it was with a c or k, but I do know it was from a company called Kordon and was for SW use. I'm not sure if it said "reef safe", but I used it in a reef. It may have most likely, I don't like to use any meds. It was to bind the algae together so the micron pad will pick it up. I would try to get some thing that says reef safe and that it binds algae.
I just did a Google search and hit Kordon home page. Yes it's spelt with a C and they have it listed. Sorry I can't give you the site:rolleyes: (you know what to do:thinking: ) Look under water clarifiers.

blue steel

thank you for helping me with this green water. when you used this seaclear medicine, did it work well. oh and one more thing, I have only the regular filter pads that come with my penguin400. shall I buy the kind you mentioned?


Active Member
The seaclear workrd great for me. You will need some kind of a fine filter to catch the algae. Mine "looked" like a felt pad for a craft store. I think it was a 1 micron. I had to rinse it every day because it was clogged. I layed it in front of the wisper pad that came with my filter. The tank cleared in less than a week.
Good luck.