Green water


I had about 20lb of live rock cycled in my tank for 3 months, with snails hermits and damsals. I just added 30 lb of CURED live rock two weeks ago. There is no bad smells so i am guessing the rock got fully cured. But now my water has turned Green Green. I mean super green. I just did a 25% water change. All the animals are still kicking. I can kinda see the rock and its not covered with algea. What is up with my water. Should i get a carbon fillter. I only use distilled water in it. I was using purple up twice a week. O yea its a 40 gl with a refugium. Protein skimmer working great or picking up everything.. My guess is its the NEW rock. Will this go away or do i need to take some action??


Active Member
Carbon filter will help to filter out junk and polishes your water. Sounds like you have a lot of nutrient within your water column and your have an algae bloom. How old are your lights? You just need some time for everything to settle since you just added more rocks, etc. Just do some water changes and it should go away pretty soon, probably a good time to lower your lighting schedule too for the time being. I had the same problem once, but when I put in my protein skimmer and did some water changes, it was gone! :happyfish


Thx mikey
yea i got some really intence lights here. Might be a good idea to turn down their on time. I'll do 25% changes weekly for a little while and see how things go.