Green Wolf Disquised as a Banana ?



I was at the LFS picking up an ugly soldierfish, and saw that they had what was listed as a Green Wolf Eel.
However, it looks exactly like a Banana Eel.
Do the Green Wolf Eels appear yellow at any stage of their life?
Or did my LFS mismake an eel and I should run over and buy it? It's about 10" and listed for $50.


there is no way that a green wolf eel could ever look like a bannana eel. i would grab it for 50 dollars. if you can get a pic of it i could tell you for sure


Alas, it is the Green Wolf Eel afterall.
I went back over and it didn't look as yellow as I remembered. ;-)


I have a green wolf eel, and fifty dollars sounds like a lot of money for it, I spent 18 dollars on mine and it is one of the best eels i have ever had, you might want to check around at other fish stores to see if you can get him cheaper


Active Member
I agree 50 bucks is very steep for a blenny(green wolf eel) I paid 15 for the one i purchased.this fish is very common.


Active Member
Originally Posted by greggti
I thought the green wolf was a dottyback?
no its of the blenny flamily although closely related to phsudochromis wolf eels are accually of their own family but listed as a blenny sold as an eel because of its size they can reach and simularies in shape and diet to eels.ever wonder who wakes up each morning and asks what am I wel thats the green worlf eel