green wolf eel


I was looking at adding one of these to my tank. 55 gal, with spoted puffer and Niger Trigger. I have already purchased a 125, currently building the stand and hood. It will be ready in about 6 months.
Any opnions on these eels? What, how to feed them.
Green Wolf Eel
Green Wolf Eel, Congrogadus subducens, is a hardy, excellent addition to the marine aquarium. Its coloration varies greatly and is typically mottled in green and brown shades, but it does camouflage with its surroundings. An Indo-Pacific native, the Green Wolf Eel is also known as the Carpet Eel Blenny, but it does not have the community tank demeanor of the Lawnmower or Scooter Blenny. It is sometimes called the Eared Eel Blenny, because the lack of pigment in the sensory holes on either side of its head gives it the appearance of having ears. At a maximum length of around 18 inches, it does not grow as large as some other eels, adding to its popularity for the home aquarium. Eels are hearty eaters who also produce a great deal of waste. Because of this, a well-established aquarium and excellent water filtration is highly recommended. This species may even learn to eat from the owner's hands (but be careful of the strong jaws.) The Green Wolf Eel is a carnivore who prefers meaty foods including silversides, krill, clam, and carnivore preparations. As with all Eels, an aquarium with a tight-fitting cover must be provided to prevent escape.


Active Member
They will eat pretty much anything meaty... Krill, silversides, lancefish, squid... etc. Just give it a good variety. Should go fine with the puffer and trigger you mentioned. Just make sure you have the top of the tank completely sealed.

billy ocean

sealed tank not required. I've had 2. Neither made an attempt to escape. Tank fully uncovered.
I have a green one now in a tank with niger, pinktail, undulated, and clown triggers, dogface and porky puffers, foxface and naso tang.


also, they will try to eat anything that can fit into their mouths. These are great hardy fish (not really eels, they are psuedochromis), and make great tankmates for a fish tank w/ larger specimans.
i had one they reach about 15-18" long and thick, mine ate anything and everything (icluding his tankmates). Lastly, males are greenish and females brownish, they bred frequently in the home aquarium


I have a small Niger and a small spotted puffer, if the eel was about 5-7 inches, would he still eat them?
Would I be better off with a SFE?