green wolf


New Member
just added a green wolf eel to my 75g dt. He is my first big add. i have 4 chromies 5 snails and a cleaner shrimp. But i was wondering if you guys had any ideas/suggestions/tips on how to get him to eat and get used to his new home. thanks ahead of time.

small triggers

Active Member
do you know if he was eating anything at all before yu got him? If he was eating it was probably live, I would normally say ghost shrimp, but uh you may rethink that as you have shrimp in your tank.


Active Member
sorry, cut myself short. Green wolf eels are actually not eels they are fish, in the blenny family. They are cool because they are much more active than eels, but they will eat small fish and inverts. Are you planning an aggressive tank? you may be ok for a while, but I owned one about 2 years ago, and he was a model citizen until he reached a foot in length, then he started to attack everything in the tank.
Welcome to the boards


New Member
yeah going with a predator and planning on agressive tank. although i did just add a baby snowflake which is doing fine (because he is hiding in the rocks pretty well. They are both eating silversides now. The cleaner is always following the wolf around trying to clean him and the wolf has 'spurned' his advances thus far. But i will keep you updated. And if i'm not mistaken i thought the wolf was in the dottyback family. but i could be wrong since i'm new to the hobby...


Active Member
"An Indo-Pacific native, the Green Wolf Eel is also known as the Carpet Eel Blenny, but it does not have the community tank demeanor of the Lawnmower or Scooter Blenny. It is sometimes called the Eared Eel Blenny, because the lack of pigment in the sensory holes on either side of its head gives it the appearance of having ears."