???????? green


New Member
to all of you that have done the larger eels like tessy's and greens do you think i could add a small green moray to my 125 without any problems. i have this jeweled moray thats like 27 inchs and he just killed the last inhabitant, my 6inch panther. he also took down my smooth hound at feeding time$$$$$$$$, like 2 months ago. needless to say i was pissed.
thanks ahead of time.


New Member
ive read as long as i dont gotta worry bout em eatin each other then they should be fine right? like if there both the same size, what else would be safe? i mean this mofo killed a 13 inch shark i figure a green would put him in his place


Active Member
If I were you, Id find a green that was a little larger than the jewel. This will make him think twice. The tank size is more than adequate for some time and besides the occasional bickering, you should be good. Some greens wont tolerate any tankmates, some just say its a matter of time. The choice is yours.


New Member
true true, everyones got there opinion in this hobby haha. but thanks thats kinda what i was thinkin. have you ever kept a green


Active Member
No, but debating it. I ordered a Hawaiian Dragon from my LFS, he called and said that he has a green thats about 30" hed sell me if I didnt make him keep looking for a dragon!


New Member
man those eels are gorgeous. i bet they got you payin out the

for that thing. i know round here the LPS take full advantage of people that dont research this hobby. but i personaly like the green about the same. i would love to find a big grouper to go with these guys. then i think ill be done lol. what do you currently have in your tank


Active Member
In the biggest thats currently running theres 2 bamboo sharks, 2 cali rays, a volitain and a zebra moray. When the 980 is done Im adding a port jackson and a smoothound and removing one ray and one bamboo until breeding time.


Ask Polarpooch about green morays and their tank mates. Green's are the hulks of the SW aquarium trade. They can easily reach 8 feet in length and are MEAN and STRONG as hell. God I want one.......