

does greenex kill live rock? also am i suppose to turn off my filter when using this medication? when ever i put it in, my water turns blue (like its supposed to) then in about a hour later the water clears back to normal. i do not have carbon in the filter. im using a fluval 303 canaster. any info appreciated.


New Member
Greenex is typically used to treat small koi ponds and large freshwater tanks. It removes nutrients that faciliate algae so I would definetly NOT put that stuff in a tank where I want algae to proprogate.
Why in your case are you using this product? Do you have a "clean up crew" ie snails, hermit crabs in your tank?


Active Member
Well the watre clearing back up is normal. I have used GreenX a few times and frankly have to agree it doesn't do much at least in a salt tank. As far as filtration when you medicate of course leave it on you need the air mixture more then ever when medicating. Depending on what you are trying to cure is what you must base your choice of medication on.


sorry. i was pretty vague. im medicating for ich. My coral beauty and blue tang have it bad. i have hermits, and feather dusters. so unfortunatly copper is out. is there a better way to cure this? this occured about 1.5 days after a 35% water change. im sure the stress brought in on. They do seem fine now though. But if it does come back soon, what would be a better medicate. Thanks
ps. puffer, im very curious, why is airation so important when medicating? Does medication deplete oxygen?
[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: JJSPATI ]


Active Member
Yes it does. Now Aquatronics which makes the GreenX and also the Paragon2 which I mentioned in my latest tank problem (listless fish this forum)does recommend in the case of P2 that you use Intensive Care (another of their products) on 1st and 3rd treatment to make up for O2 depletion. Now the GreenX does not mention that so the chemicals in it Malachite Green and Quinine Hydrochloride must not pull as much O2 out as the meds in P2. Anyway the long and short of it is I believe when using meds any water exchange is benefical to easing the stress on the fish. Most books even advocate dropping a air stone in the tank for additional water exchange when using meds (I frankly have done this very seldom).


New Member
i just used the greenex and i believe that it killed all of me fish. I had a coral beauty, a clown and a morrish idol. they got stressed out and they die. i did use o2 to give a good mix but it didnt help


Active Member
I agree that deciding what to use is based a lot on what others tell you. Now my lfs loves GreenX, and yet amny people here and elsewhere swear at it not by it. In FO I still prefer Copper or Hypo-salinity but they take a bit of time and in some caes by the time we act time is the least thing we have time for. If I were to rate my success with parasitic problems based on meds FO I would say Copper first; Hypo 2nd. The rest is just a gamble and my success rate with say Paragon2 is about 2/3 and GreenX hardly ever worked.