GreenReefer's 125 Reef


Active Member
New octopus nw 200 skimmer just showed up, so I'll be setting that up and breaking it in tonight, hopefully get in the sump on Thursday or Friday.
I know some folks don't like the coral skeletons, but I'd have to say they I really like the look that the colors are startinf to blend and nothing could be better for holding frags. I've drilled LR, built holders, used frag staitions, etc, etc, but those SPS skeletons hold them naturally. Eventually they'll be purple and pink like everything else.


Active Member
I had the LFS double check my params just to be sure and they look fine
pH 8.2
NH4/NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 10
CA 475
specific gravity 1.024
KH 10
I did the first water change last night and then setup a 29 gallon as a QT in the garage. Didn't get the skimmer installed yet, but hopefully tonight.
I had to adjust my lighting, I didn't realize how much brighter my tank was than the frag tanks that they have been in, so after a couple of hours everything was closed up tight. I shut off half of the bulbs and things started opening back up. I'll increase the lighting maybe every 3 days by 30 minutes until i get it back to where I like to keep it and then gradually move everything up from the sand bed.


Active Member
I got the skimmer, added the rest of my frags, and added a 24 inch pc fixture 9temp) over the other 2 feet which were previously lit. I'm hoping to add a 250w MH pendant, retro, fixture, whatever there as soon as I can find a good deal. I tried to take pics, but the batteries were dead, so they are charging now and I'll take pics tonight.


Active Member
full tank shots, left 24 inches has just 2 pc bulbs (temp) right 48 inches has 8 bulb t5 fixture
holy light batman! (no flash)


white/pink 4 t5s only

blue 4 t5s only


Active Member
Lookin good now lets get those zoas growing! No more fraggin lol!!!
And ill let u know about my 24 inch Halide fixture within a week. If Ic an get the rest of my zoas sold out of that tank!