

I posted this greeting in the new members section and because of the nature of the tank we're trying to set up people over there suggested this forum. So here ya go....
Hello there, just popping in to say hi. My wife and I are off to buy our first saltwater tank tommorow. I believe it will be a 92 corner (only design that will work in our living room!) so we'll be here from time to time to harass you all for advice as we're pretty much at the bottom of the experience food chain. Be gentle please. Any ideas as far as filtration, skimmers? I think we're going to go with a Zebra Moray and Volitans Lionfish when the cycling period has run it's course. Sound okay? Feel free to shoot us down. Would rather have it that way than to screw it up and make these awesome creatures suffer. The guys at most of the LFS's around here will tell you it's okay to put a Bottlenose Dolphin in a 75 gallon tank with a bullshark. So any impartial advice would help out a lot. Okay, long winded enough for now, plenty more soon. Heh


therecomended size that i've read is 125 for a zebra...but either a snowflake or a jewled moray would work...with a lion (in fact it's what i've had for years) for filtration i would go with 125+lbs of lr with a dsb and a good skimmer...sump and fuge wouldn't hurt but aren't necessities (especially since you may not have room in a bowfront stand???)....
do a search on cycling your tank (if you haven't already)and post any questions you have
sound like a good setup to me...good luck and if your not sure about something just'll sae you $ in the long run...


Thanks for the replys. The tank isn't drilled so we went with a Amiracle wet/dry filter with the overflow box. The side of the sump that the skimmer would go into is pretty small and with the return pump in there it's going to be hard to find a good skimmer that fits. We'd like to go with Euro-reef but I don't think the footprint is small enough. So who knows.
We plan on starting with 45 lbs of LR and Southdown if we can find it., heard of good success at Home Depot here in Baltimore so hopefully that won't be a problem.
I think I have my wife talked into a smaller eel but just for curiousities sake, how long would a smaller specimen take to outgrow our tank? We do plan on upgrading our FOWLR into a larger tank and converting the 92 into a reef once we get some experience under our belts. SO who knows what we'll do. Any other fish we could put in there with the lion and the eel? Or does it sound pretty locked down already? We like the dogface puffers but I know they get kinda big and can harass a lionfish.