Grey's Anatomy


I also love this show :joy:
my girlfriend thinks im the only guy in the world that likes it

i keep showing her articles about its ratings ( net news junkie) and she replies that its the younger womens version of Desperate Housewives (which im not a fan of)
any other guys back me up


i love this show, but i'm a girl... sorry! lol
i can't stand merridith, though! i just want to slap her upside her scrawnly little head!!!!
and i'm also not so much with the desparate house wives.


Originally Posted by Dr.Vinyl
any other guys back me up
no way Doc.
hate it!
my ex used to drag me into watching this, along with American Idol, and i severely despise both shows. there was this one time on the Grey show where this dude was trying to walk a bomb outt've the hospital and it blew him up outt've nowhere. that was pretty cool. everything elsesucks.
i HATE shows where every guy has to have --- with every girl. that's totally unrealistic. it makes me think that i should be gettin it on with every chick at the office. but i DON'T! i'm lucky to get one every year or so. and usually that's just on a drunk mishap.
stupid show.


Active Member
I love Grey's Anatomy! I just watched it last night. It wasn't one of the best shows, but it was pretty good. I thought it was hilarious how George was flipping out because Kallie moved in w/ him. O yea, the end too when they all checked into the hotel. I don't know why Adison doesn't want to be with Mark?. I don't know, maybe she is trying to save her marriage, but it is way too gone to be saved.


Active Member
What is it like? Is it a drama? I watched ER for years but stopped a couple of seasons ago, it was getting real boring.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
What is it like? Is it a drama? I watched ER for years but stopped a couple of seasons ago, it was getting real boring.
Sorta like ER, but more drama I think, but I've never watched ER.


Im a guy too and this is my favorite show on TV! I love how even though it has a little bit of he-loves-her drama, they still include actual medical cases. That part is so interesting to me, along with Izzy's rack.


Active Member
i like this show, and i have to agree that izzys rack is phenominal. the asian chic is pretty hott too. i dont remember her name though. my fiance doesnt think she is good looking at all. stupid girls....


Active Member
I LOVE Grays anatomy, and I have worked in a hospital for a very long time, and thats how it is for real in a hospital.


if you mix scrubs and ER, i think you would get grey's anatomy... you could also throw in a little bit of friends, but more of the dysfunctional side...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
if you mix scrubs and ER, i think you would get grey's anatomy... you could also throw in a little bit of friends, but more of the dysfunctional side...
Actually I don't really watch or like ER and Scrubs. But I'm hooked on Grey's Anatomy!


lol... maybe it's the combo of the two... for example, you probably would like egg or pancake mix separately, but with the right combination, they're pretty darn tasty!
what do you think about the story line so far? I can't stand merridith!!! i want her to get hit by a bus or something! i know that won't happen cause she's the main character, but she so friggin self-centered, it's not even funny. I saw a preview of this weeks episode, though... Christina says "you know, not everything is always about you" i was like "you go girl!!! finally someone says something!!!" ugh, i get hooked into this tv drama so quickly... it's sad, really...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
lol... maybe it's the combo of the two... for example, you probably would like egg or pancake mix separately, but with the right combination, they're pretty darn tasty!
what do you think about the story line so far? I can't stand merridith!!! i want her to get hit by a bus or something! i know that won't happen cause she's the main character, but she so friggin self-centered, it's not even funny. I saw a preview of this weeks episode, though... Christina says "you know, not everything is always about you" i was like "you go girl!!! finally someone says something!!!" ugh, i get hooked into this tv drama so quickly... it's sad, really...
I don't know about Merrideth. She plays the victim, but alot of what happens is her doing. I wanna yell at her and tell her to pick one or the other. I don't know why she isn't more assertive w/ Derek. She kind of lets him walk all over her. O yea, and I'm glad the dating w/ Derek and Finn is over, I didn't like that episode showing 2 grown men acting like children. I thought it was kind of pathetic. Christina annoys me too but I like her more then Merrideth. She's w/ Burke and is pushing his recovery. Just recently has she started to help him! Poor Izzy, I mean she is part of the reason why Denny died, but they didn't know Burke was going to get shot...very very sad. I would have cashed that check in a heartbeat! I wouldn't be letting 8.7 million dollars just magneted to the refidgerator! Yes I am hooked on this show! I tell my boyfriend, now my show is on, sorry but I'll talk to you during commercials and when it's done. lol.


ugh, i totally agree about the dating thing!!! it's like, grow up!!! YOU'RE an neurosurgeon for crying out loud!!! and christina did bother me for a while, but she's growing on me. She's just so funny. i loved when she started crying after the baby miscarrige thing... "someone sedate me!!!" lol. And i love izzy, and bailey. They're my favorites. And cally (sp?) just annoys me too... jeeze george, you can do better than that!!!
i need a life!!!
oh yeah, CASH THE FRIGGIN CHECK!!! you don't have to spend it, you can even donate it somewhere, but it can't just sit there on the fridge. I call it: someone's going to steal it...


I like the show as well. It is tied as my favorite with Desperate Housewives.
As for Christina, I don't find her attractive in the least bit.
Izzie is hot.
And with O'Malley and Callie, we now now why he is bloewing her off!! :thinking: