Grey's Anatomy


Active Member
Yea Callie is idk, I just don't like her. George is kind of a spaz. I don't think he "came out of the closet" or whatever because he just showed up at her hotel room last episode with food and movies.


Came out of the closet in real life. Now we can see if they write that into the show or just leave him straight and confused.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TAZ_12777
Came out of the closet in real life. Now we can see if they write that into the show or just leave him straight and confused.
ohhhhhhhhh, I got it. Idk, somehow that doesn't suprise me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
oh..... i thought you meant on the show... i was like :scared: did i miss an episode!?!?!?!?
What do you think of Adison Shepard? I don't like her at all!!!! The one episode where she shows up when Derek is talking to Merrideth. She shows up like she is Mrs. Shepard after she cheated on Derek. Yes, they were still married but she shows up like she owns him. I'm like no honey, I don't think so!!!


i think she's adorable now, but i hated her at first... and then she got mad when she found out that derek was with merrideth.. wtf is that all about??? i thought it was funny when she got the poison oak... :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i think she's adorable now, but i hated her at first... and then she got mad when she found out that derek was with merrideth.. wtf is that all about??? i thought it was funny when she got the poison oak... :hilarious
Yea the poison oak was funny. idk, I still don't like her. Lol. There's just something about her. She pretends she cares about her and Derek but she was still sleeping w/ the other guy the whole freaking time! She wants her cake and eat it too.


i never understood that saying... have your cake and eat it too...... what is that all about? what's the point of having cake if you can't eat it, and what's so bad about eating it if you have it???
addison's mouth bothers me... it gets all pointy like a beak or something...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i never understood that saying... have your cake and eat it too...... what is that all about? what's the point of having cake if you can't eat it, and what's so bad about eating it if you have it???
addison's mouth bothers me... it gets all pointy like a beak or something...
I said it because she still wants to be with Derek and stay with him, but she also wants to continue to have a relationship with that egotistical plastic surgeon "Mc Steamy".


Well, I for one am relieved that I am not the only total addict of this show. This is the only show that makes me think about it all night long. Movies have had that effect, but never a show!!
Love it!!


i know!!! i have dreams about it!!! LMAO
and sean, don't take me wrong, i get what it means, i say it too, i just don't know what it means... does that make sense? I know when to use it and what it means when you do, but the saying itself doesn't make sense... lol... i'm a little weird like that...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i know!!! i have dreams about it!!! LMAO
and sean, don't take me wrong, i get what it means, i say it too, i just don't know what it means... does that make sense? I know when to use it and what it means when you do, but the saying itself doesn't make sense... lol... i'm a little weird like that...
lol yea, it's kinda don't make sense. lol. Oh yea, and I'm melly the other half to seannmelly, my boyfriend doesn't like the show...but sometimes he'll watch it with me.


ohhhh, lol, i get it now. My hubby doesn't watch it either... he hates tv drama, which is why he refuses to watch the last 2 seasons of friends...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
ohhhh, lol, i get it now. My hubby doesn't watch it either... he hates tv drama, which is why he refuses to watch the last 2 seasons of friends...
My boyfriend doesn't like the drama part of it, but he likes when they have weird patients. Like the last episode when the wife and her ex husband were doing the nasty and they got stuck together. He thought it was funny, and it kinda was. It was even funnier when their daughter walked in!


I KNOW!!!!!
ok, he likes those parts too. He loved when the little girl thought she was a super hero "yeah, the boy at school didn't believe me either until i let him punch me in the stomach 25 times.... and once with a baseball bat" LMAO! i thought that was hilarious! you're just not expecting it at all!
omg, the saddest episode was when that guy woke up from the 16 year coma and then died in surgery after he found out his wife got remarried and his son, who was one at the time he went into the coma, turned out to be 17. i balled my eyes out on that one!


Originally Posted by chickadee
don't take me wrong, i get what it means, i say it too, i just don't know what it means... does that make sense? I know when to use it and what it means when you do, but the saying itself doesn't make sense... lol... i'm a little weird like that...
I have never said it, because it never made sense to me either...
glad to see Im not missing something.


another one:
take it with a grain of salt... WTH??? what does that even mean??? i don't even understand how to use that one...


Active Member
I can't wait for tonight!! Two hour episode!! Hollar!! I am so excited! I haven't even seen any previews so I don't know what it's gonna be about. But I'm psyched! O yea, and I'm getting a 4" hippo tang tomarrow!!