"Grizzly Man" the documentary


Active Member
The depth of human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
If you have not heard of this "documentary", it is basically about a man, Timothy Treadwell, and his girlfriend who choose to live on an Alaskan island surrounded by Kodiak Grizzlies for 13 summers.
This documentary received numerous awards so I decided it might be worth checking out. turns out, it's not about the grizzlies at all, but instead a documentary on the ramblings of this incredibly mentally disturbed man.
He claims to be a teacher, a 'protector of the bears', etc etc. but this 'documentary' shows very little about bears. doesn't show anything about the biology and very little about the behavior of the bears. It shows more obviously, that besides the fact that this man is disturbed, that it was more of a 'macho' thing for him. he talks numerous times about how anybody but him would be instantly killed, and that he can stand his ground with the bears. a few times, he barks at bears, they back off, and he says, "see, I stood my ground and showed my dominance, that I belong with the bears.".
In the end though, he DID protect the bears.....in his 13th summer, he and his girlfriend protected an old bear from starving to death at the onset of winter......the old bear killed and ate them both. the saddest part is that the old bear was killed so that rangers could collect 4 trash bags full of human remains.
the only interesting footage of the whole thing was 2 male bears in a vicious fight that last about 2 minutes.
the most entertaining part was an interview with one of the rangers that helped recover the remains. he said, "I think one reason Mr Treadwell lasted so long out here was probably that bears thought he was mentally retarded and not worth killing. I think the bear that killed him finally got tired of his antics, or either decided that he might taste good. In the end, I think he got what he deserved."
The closing song was good.
just some thoughts, and wondering if anybody else saw this documentary.

michelle l

I've been wanting to see it but haven't rented the DVD yet. Did I see that the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet is going to run in February?


My brother was telling me that I need to watch that one. He said that it was pretty good. I'm not sure that I will since we have conflicting views on what a good movie is.