Grocery store seafood


Active Member
This is true, but it is a somewhat different issue. I am not saying everything that humans do is safe for fish. For some issues, it is bad for humans too but it is the concentration that is an issue. However, seafood or meat fit for human consumption is most likely going to be fine for fish. I wouldn't feed twinkies to fish, but then, they probably aren't all that safe for human consumption long term either. FWIW, I don't think it would really kill a fish anyway in the concentrations we would be working with.
But looking at frozen krill at an LFS vs frozen shrimp at a supermarket and having an LFS guy actually say that the frozen shrimp is going to be bad for the fish...that is kinda crazy. Lord knows how long a bunch of krill sits around before it is frozen, vs food frozen for human consumption.
As an aside, I have eaten a number of fish foods with no ill effects either, including that krill :)


Active Member
yeah, i totally agree. There is nothing wrong with seafood from the grocery store.... It just seemed that in your first post you were saying that if it is something that humans and fish have in common ( like water, we eat shrimp, they eat shrimp... etc) that then it is fine for fish too. And you are absolutely correct about concentration being an issue. Actually, i dont think chorine effects fish much unless they are really small and put in a tank full of pure tap water... but it still CAN kill them. I have never tried krill though... you dont recommend it then? ;)


Active Member
Well thanks to this thread I thought I would try this. I bought some raw shrimp. We will hav a shrimp dinner tonight, as well as the fish. I cut some up for the fish. Man did they love that. Just base on tonight I have decided in the future to get a variety of stff from the fish counter at the supermarket and blend it up and freeze it. Then I will give it to the fish.
It was like watching Wild Kingdom in my fish tank tonight


Active Member
Scott, when you freeze it you can add a few drops of zoe or whatever vitamins you like too. That's what I do. Some people add a little garlic extract too, but I don't use it all the time so if I am I just add it when the stuff is thawing. HTH


New Member
I buy unfrozen bags of mixed seafood , shrimp, squid, octopus, cuddle fish, etc. at Wal Mart. Been feeding my Snowflake eel and puffer this for 3 months. They still live. Buying $10.00 a week in live Ghost shrimp was just not the way to go. My fish never seemed happy with frozen Krill. I tried feeder guppies from my LFS once, I lost a couple fish, almost lost my puffer but he recovered. Not sure what the deal was but my LFS was in total denial. I even threw one in with my Betta to play with and he died too. The fish that died, died within 24 hours of eating the guppies. HMMMMMM...........:confused:


I can't believe i've never thought of this before after spending so much at LFS. I'm going to the store tonight