Gross Black Blob


New hobbyist here, so any help on IDing this thing would be a massive help.
Just tonight after a few weeks of a relatively smoothly-running FOWLR tank, my wife came across this. It's a pitch-black flat blob with 2 antennae on what could be the front. It moves fairly slowly like a snail and is about 1 inch in length. The picture isn't the best because the blackness of the creature prevents capturing good detail.

It's GROSS! Is it harmful to things in the tank? I've got hermit crabs, snails, cleaner shrimp, and 2 chromises.
Thanks in advance.
Afraid to touch this thing.


Is it a type of Nudibranch? Someone else can chime in here that knows more than me.


I think it is sponge...LOL....just leave it, sponge is harmless and will come and alsocomes in various colors. I have some pink, white, yellow and YES black in my tanks


Active Member
I futz with the pic:

If it moves, like you can actually watch it move from place to place then i agree about the thought of snail. However, I agree more with meowzer that its probably a sponge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by markc212 http:///forum/thread/383479/gross-black-blob#post_3354272
New hobbyist here, so any help on IDing this thing would be a massive help.
Just tonight after a few weeks of a relatively smoothly-running FOWLR tank, my wife came across this. It's a pitch-black flat blob with 2 antennae on what could be the front. It moves fairly slowly like a snail and is about 1 inch in length.
The picture isn't the best because the blackness of the creature prevents capturing good detail.

It's GROSS! Is it harmful to things in the tank? I've got hermit crabs, snails, cleaner shrimp, and 2 chromises.
Thanks in advance.
Afraid to touch this thing.
its a nudi - I think. I have seen them here before. Cant remember though


I think TeresaQ and Spanko got it right. I've concluded that this is an Elephant Sea Slug (aka Scutus), which is actually a strange snail. It's body wraps back around to cover most of its flat shell, giving it the appearance of a tiny shell or no shell at all. Bizarre!
When I googled images of the Scutus, it looks pretty much like what I've got. Now that I've seen it again and have a better idea of what it is, I'm not quite as scared as I was before. From what I've been reading, it looks like it's a beneficial algae eater and relatively harmless. The things you find after purchasing live rock....
Thanks for the help. This board is awesome!