Group Buy Possibility in RI or MA, or CT?


Hello, I was just seeing if anyone would be interested in a group buy from this site in the RI or MA or CT area. I wouldnt mind driving a little to meet up with someone, but I would love to buy some corals from here because the prices are waaay cheaper than my lfs. Just post here if anyone would be interested, and it would probably be after the holidays so it wouldnt be nuts when everyone is running around. Thanks!!


Cool sounds good. I actually just found a cool board, the boston reefers society, and I may be organizing one with them too. Not sure if you have heard of this or not, I just got introduced to it and its great.... heres a link to the boards on there...
I'll post here to see whats going on with the group buy too


WOW I can't believe your last post is still on here, I thought that was a no no, to advertise another forum, But anyway, I'll be down for an order, The prices can't be beat, I order the first time on and everything was healthy, Only ordered 1 fish, and the rest inverts (shrimp, snails,),
Email Steve