Group of unknown corals help


Hi, I got some corals a while back and no clue what they are. I bought them from a private seller and he "couldn't remember" what they were. They all seem to be doing well as I have had them almost a month. Getting worried though as until I know what they are I am not sure where to place them in the tank. I didn't know what to feed them so I just got Rod's fish food as that seems to cover everything.
Any help or advise is welcome!



ok, first looks to be just yellow polyps. they need nothing, very easy to keep and you can put them low in the tank. 3rd looks like montipora digitata. depending on your lights you might want to keep them a little higher up in the tank. 2nd 4th and 5th all look to be sps too. its hard to tell what type the pics are a little blurry. they all need a little higher light and a little higher flow. none of these need to be fed.


I agree with the first being yellow polyps- anywhere is fine as long as they get some light(they grow like crazy if fed directly)
Second pic-looks to be a candy cane coral(trumpet coral) medium lighting with medium flow.
Third pic- Agree also montipora digitata medium to high lighting with good flow.
Fourth pic- seems to be a Pocillopora, medium flow and medium to high lighting.
Fifth pic- not too clear, but I think it is a toadstool(sarcophyton), medium flow and lighting.