

Newest and last addition to my...population. He is a blakcridge(cap) coney grouper. Very cool lookin critter, resembles a hawkfish very much. You see, he has no tail, only a stub, so he wiggle to swim. This handicap should keep him fine in my tank for I cant get any pics right now, cuz hes bein a jerk staying in the back and snappin at everyone, but he perched alot in the store, so hell come out eventually.


Like most of my fish they chill out in the back way too much. I cant stand it, but they op up every now and then. I just got like a brine shrimp hatchery, and its great. Fresh food for all, lol.


Active Member
Hey chandler can you post some pics of all your fish maybe some full tank shots for me. I love your tank and fish. Just recently I had a crap load of caulerpa go sexual and release lots of po4 into my tank killing lots of acros and other sps. I think I've decided to just do an aggressive tank because I don't want to spend so much time on my reef and have stuff gowrong and kill hundreds of dollars worth of sps. I am probably gonna bring back any thing surviving to the lfs and see if they got anything. I only have a 46g. bow front right know so i'll just get an eel then a dwarf lion. I have a refugium with no macros that I'm gonna take everything out and put my aquac ev120 skimmer in so I should have more than enough filteration. I'll probably set up something like a 125g. and make or buy a wet/dry and I already got 100lbs of fiji rock. So show me some pics when ya get a chance.:D