Basically. Except that lions, when their feeding is interupted, will sometimes go off of eating. They're moody IME Groupers on the other hand, you could beat with a stick as you're feeding them, and they would still come back for more. They're huge, and seem to have a rapid metabolism. I had a Volitans (It died two days ago from the ingested sand...poor thing...) in with my panther grouper, and I was having to feed it ghost shrimp to get it to eat...I would put them in a clear net and the Volitans would come and eat them out of the net (I had a bad feeling about that sand from the beginning I guess) and the panther soon realized this feeding pattern for the Volitans and would swim up behind the net and inhale the entire thing to get those shrimp. He'd suck it all down so fast that he'd kill the ghost shrimp on initial impact, and then hurk it back up because obviously, his stomach didn't want to try to digest that net.